* the me *
Sabrina Chong Yew Tee Primary School
Zhenghua Secondary
Birthday: 8th April Loves art
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Yen Ning

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design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Friday, January 4, 2008 *
Now life is so sad just likemy song .. so many people has lived but through all their effort to continue living, some went missing and some died some have illness...God want to make people he just make and when he wants to take them away withought warning he just do that...whats the point of living when God keeps doing that?! Lucifer the stupid evil devil must be the one all behind this! who else will be so stupid to make those unlucky things happening?A peacefull life becoming a life that is not meaningfull and pointless to live to a 100 years old...everyone wants to have a happy and healthy family not a sad and unhealthy family so why does Lucifer wants to make people having that?Oh ya,I forgot devils are not good souls..God made him and he did not repay but instead he made other souls become bad and made humans life so miserable..he doesn't wants to have a miserable life too I guess but if he doesnt he shouldnt make people having miserable lifes now life is so boring that we can die of boredness...sobs people dying have sickness..now my grandmother has cancer,my grandfather has eyesight problem,my mother has ear problems its so sad to see them have illness they are not bad hearted why does God wants to punish them?They are people who have golden hearts why does God wants to let them have such illness?!?! Now school life is boring house life is boring so why must people carry on living? I cant find a reason that people needs to live on...I only know that people carry on living to see their families but no point if they have illness they will die sooner or later so why people lives?

i am who i am
10:25 PM
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Diaos... life is so boring nothing better to do then to use the computer and study like mad...we can be made by God as well as destroyed by God...
When you are needed in this world your life will be very interesting as the God needs you to do something in Earth.When you are not needed you just have to die in the hands of God, like Mr Patrick Yeo needed by God to teach children in Earth chinese and self decipline and then when they are clever enough Mr Yeo just have to die no matter what.God made him fat so that he can die of heart attack God made other people die of other reasons depending on how they are made into Earth. Some people belief in God but some people does not belief in the God.Heavens are the one who killed our ancestors.People are sent to Earth to help people in Earth we dont even know who is sent by God to help people.People who died must be miserable as well as their families...Mr Yeo has a wife and 2 children...God sent him away?!?!?! what kind of nonsence is this! making him lose a wife and 2 children and his families...he was a good person and whatever reason the God gave, Mr Yeo is innocent ... God made Mr Yeo died! God made him fat and made him died of heart attack...and b4 that he got a car accident and lose so many hairs and now he died of heart attack...how i wish i could reverse the time and save Mr Yeo from that heart attack and car accident...life isn't fair at all ... sometimes people live to a 100 years for nothing...so whats the point of living when we are so bored?.?. o.0 wish Mr Yeo died peacefully and pray good results for my chinese examinations...

i am who i am
10:11 PM