* the me *
Sabrina Chong Yew Tee Primary School
Zhenghua Secondary
Birthday: 8th April Loves art
* link *
Yen Ning

* archives *
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* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Friday, November 14, 2008 *
LOL ... ytd was the grad nite the buffet was delicious! It was ALSO the VP's b'day Mr Chris Loh
everyone was so happy ytd!
I enjoyed myself very much ytd. I will be going to Faith Musical later so excited...
20th November will get back PSLE results!!! A few days away only. (5 DAYS)-(120HOURS)-(7200MINUTES)-(432000SECONDS) Help me countdown LOL...

i am who i am
6:56 PM
* Sunday, November 9, 2008 *
Ai yo, nowadays got so many things to go... today is my aunt b'day then next is my mother's then my cousin's one. Then this Friday got grad nite...donnoe what to wear the theme tmr but i already noe the theme is about we're passengers on airplaine !Some students not even going in life there is only on grad nite they don go miss the chance lorhs... Too bad for them anyway!
SERVE those IDIOTS rite!~*~*............HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 ROCKS!..............~*~*~*
I hope my frens return me the money they borrowed from me in time for me to buy some new things! :) So excited! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Money...Money...Money, It mus be very funny! Its a rich man's world!
THen 20th Nov getting back the results , so scared!
15th November go level outing going to the Musical so excited...
Wish me good luck ^^ I don mean for the musical... Its the results!

If i go well my wish would be granted!
Zzz... Donnoe which idiot eat my sweet missing so many don make me spill the beans! hope i wrote correctly!) >you know who i am talking about and u noe what u have done!
Wishes to all my frens anyway! xD


i am who i am
9:00 PM
* Thursday, November 6, 2008 *
My sister me and cousin xD: enjoying ourselves :

My 2 cousins sister and me...
My cousin, sister and me ...

My grandma and me:

Zzz... I have a classmate, dat they when i asked her something she scolded me something which is very rude.... Now i hate her She thinks she is so clever when she say something bad about

me and i can "ding hui" she will say wadeva... She thinks she is so clever? I don tink so ...
I am so excited! 14th November is the grad nite, then 20th November getting back PSLE results!!!
My goal is to go to Bukit Panjang Govt High Sec ... aggregate is about 243. Hope can get above dat xD... Donnoe can or not . everytime pray in my Aunt house will pray PSLE high enough to go to Bukit Panjang Govt High if cannot then dissapointed le TT
Everyone wish me gd luck ^^
After get back results, soon , Chamayne jie jie going back her father's home...
So not fair lorhs. i wan her stay lehs TT

i am who i am
12:34 AM