* the me *
Sabrina Chong Yew Tee Primary School
Zhenghua Secondary
Birthday: 8th April Loves art
* link *
Yen Ning

* archives *
January 2008
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January 2009
March 2009
June 2009
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December 2009
January 2010

* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Saturday, June 13, 2009 *
Sian. Going to run out of money.. SO tight sia :(
Actually going swimming then rain. Nth to do now *YAWN*
Just now went to Lot 1 then on the way I went to 7-11 . Bought the MrMen and LittleMiss capsule.
Tada~ :
LittleMiss Shy :)
Mr Nosey =)
cutEE?~ I want the Little Miss Naughty lehs.. Mr Small is cute too.
My aunt bought new clothes for me 'Cheer Me Up' Very cuteee ^^
GTG bb.. will update soon.

i am who i am
3:06 AM
* Friday, June 12, 2009 *
Pictures of my Parrot(Sky) :

Look at him when he is scratching , isn't he cuteeee?
What is he looking at?

Looking at the television. Enjoying?

Looking at the camera.

Heading for the camera.

Lonely? Bored?

OMg.. He's going to bite. ~ ATTACK!

Looking at the sweets. Look tasty huh?

Sky is feeling bored..

Backing off.

Who is he looking at now?

i am who i am
1:48 AM
* *
Yawns. Just came back from English tuition. Something funny I did just now. I was writing a composition about a friend smoking. I was about to write " Gladys was mocking Jolene" then I wrote " Gladys was smocking Jolene", LOL..
Still need to go to school on 27th June Sian..

Check out the new pictures I drew.

This dragon, I drew it in the morning after reading the newspaper below. The body is not completed yet. Can't draw cos the marker ran out of ink. Anyway I am not confident enough.
The body is really complicated. So, is it nice? Although some of the parts are 'disfigured'.

Well, this crow was the one I drew some time back. I drew it from my prepaid card. I remember i took around 15 minutes to finish this whole piece.

On the left hand side, I was about to draw a piglet from my mug. But then I was too lazy to continue . Thus, there is only a head of a pig.
On the right hand side, the pooh.. Errrr.. I can't really remember where i got it from. It was drawn quite a while back.
Can't really continue drawing, my black marker ran out of ink . TT
Again, anyone wanna buy my carnival tickets?
Oops, GTG bye!

i am who i am
1:00 AM
* Wednesday, June 10, 2009 *
HOlidays so BORED! IT's kiLLing Me! Well, at least the June Library Camp let me have a chance to go out to play >< I loved watching the movie - Wall.E the one we watched in the library. And I enjoyed the BBQ too! The librian was also very kind, she offered us lots of food.. - Otah, Chicken, Nasi Lemak.. Etc. Haix. then guides carnival is round the corner too, I kind to not like it more and more. I have a feeling that guides is becoming WORSE then before! EEks. Although the teacher is fine... Anyone wants to buy guides carnival ticket? ~ A ticket is either $1 or $2 . PLeaSe? Contact me for more details about the carnival if you want to buy. Looking forward to the GAME"S DAY or in other words - QUIZ DAY .. 19th June. Studying to beat the rest DOWN FLAT.. =)

My markers :)

If you look closely, carefully, you will realise that this marker's tip is a little blunted. You see that? I am so 100% going to buy another one. This marker's ink is also finishing.
These 7 markers, are one of my favourite! You see those piictures down therE? I used these markers to draw them. Nice? Good? I am sure going to collect all the colours available! ~ I also hope there will be more new colours! Love my markers >3 ^^

Pieces of Pictures that I drew too ugly to continue : I was actually trying to draw a tweety bird I found from the net. And it became like this.
I ignored the top part at first, but then i cant continue when i reach its hand. TOo ugly to continue~! =P

This, hahas . Guess what I was trying to draw. I was trying to draw Jerry. The one from the Tom and Jerry show. But then also.. I draw until the cheek cannot continue. The eyes are funny t00. And the fingers, it was suppose to be 4 fingers but then i changed it to 5 fingers.

This,I was trying to draw Stitch . The one from Lilo & Stitch. Suppose to be a christmas stitch but then looks weird right? The ears were especially * hard to draw. The nose looks like as if it has a seedling in it right? And the christmas hat I drew it too long for the ending part.

And my completed pieces ^^ :

DOn't misunderstand , this two mickey mouse are from two different pieces. Just saying , although it looks obvious. xD Which one is nicer? I prefer the bottom one because of its arm.

This Duck.. ~ Looks so fierce to me.. hahas i drew it from my English book.

This crab ~ I got it from my cousin's file. SHe told me to draw it .. So... Ta da?

Overall, I like this rooster the best. It will be my lucky rooster hahas.. Nice? ~ Looks fierce too.
I got it from the same book I got the DUCK.

At home either draw, or study or use computer. If not, my aunt will bring us to go swimming.

Later smaller cousin coming to swim hahas so excited. Can play ball. Yayyyyyy~ !

i am who i am
7:35 PM
* Saturday, June 6, 2009 *
=.= June holidays... BOred BOred BOred!

Sian sia , my cousin eat finish his KORean Noodle never wash the first thing thought after looking at it was ME!
OMG.. NOt my fault sia.. I waSHED the bowl, cup and plate i used already.
then i ate the char sao pao.. hmmm it taste like the ba gua but also tastes a little like otah.

Finished watching Boys Before Flower a few weeks ago.. Very nice sia MUST WATCH!
I wanna download the songs lehs very nice..

i am who i am
10:41 PM