* the me *
Sabrina Chong Yew Tee Primary School
Zhenghua Secondary
Birthday: 8th April Loves art
* link *
Yen Ning

* archives *
January 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

* Thursday, December 31, 2009 *
Happy New Year Everyone!
I wish all of you will be sucessful in what every you do:)
GOOD LUCK! 2010,a betta year ;) CHeers!
Well,time flies.Everything seems to happen yesterday,gonna be 14 next year.
Everything seems to just pass. And again,the same thing will happen next year.
Ended up waking up doing the same thing over and over again =X
I'm Tireeed :(
Oh yaa,do visit my blogshop : www.uniformbabies.blogspot.com Must support,yea? ;)))

i am who i am
10:56 PM
* Sunday, December 27, 2009 *
Just came back from Yishun(went to eat Thailand food)... =)
BUT now, I am really bored!
Don't feel like doing homework now cause tmr going to do with fwens.
Need to wake up early tmr 'YAWNS!' =O need to go to YTPS to pass cookies then rush to fajar to develop pictures for project and do homework.
Got a Kappa bag from my aunt(closest aunt) after we went to watch 'The Princess and The Frog' :) Then she bought pizza for me and my sister to eat when we were about to go home. Then got a credit card monopoly and a set of watercolour water pencil from another aunt(my mother's younger sister) :))
Before all those times,I've been watching television,use the computer, drawing , doing homework ,and doing project. =D Donnoe why but I feel kinda excited that school is reopening. 4th January : 7 more days till school re-open xD Report at 8.40am! Don't be late people! ><
Recently got an ulcer on my lip. PAIN PAIN PAIN! =( OUCHHHEEEE....

i am who i am
2:58 AM
* Tuesday, December 8, 2009 *
=D hellooooo.. LOLs just had a BBQ 2 days ago and it was ABSOLUTELY FUNNNnNNN! xD
hahas... some of them just went into the pool to plae.. well, they took a few hours to set up the fire. AND it ALMOST rained when we were about to start the BBQ.
AFter eating, we opened two bottles of champayne YUMMY~ At around 9pm, they went to my house to watch television and play poker cards. hahas ENJOyed the 5hours.
Well, my cousins and brother went oversea. SO GOOOOOOD i also want to go lehss.
Anyways, i just changed my HP number. Checked ur phone for the number xD BYE!

i am who i am
9:38 PM
* Tuesday, December 1, 2009 *
=D Hello people!!
Today was FUN FUN FUN ! LIbrary outing-went to East Coast Park. xD PLayed water balloon, and the 'Balloon on LEG' . We also cycled and eat.
Hahas , accidently banged onto Vivien when I cycled , SORRY!~ :P
WAAAAA~ when we went to rent the bicycle, that guy in the shop tok like our teacher like dat lorhs , so irritating sia.
THen saw a lot of HALF NAKED guys - DISGUSTING BLEAHS =P
took a lot of pictures , pic of teachers sleeping and when we were playing..
Theres a lot of SAND in my shoe now TT
WE dug a hole in the beach near the sea enabling the water to enter it. Then we put our legs inside to RELAX ~ Dug like mad Lorhs , so PAIN lehs.
VIvien came back from Hong Kong and bought me something , a pouch xDDDDDDD THANKS!
TOmorrow still need to go to Woodlands for LIbrary... ><
The day after tomorrow , neeed to go to BPP for Library also.


i am who i am
4:03 AM